ÉXODOCS or "The Representation of Migration from Latin America to the United States: Documentary Filmmakers as New Storytellers on Border Crossing" analyzes how theories of cultural (self-)translation apply to documentaries on Latin American migration to the United States. It is an internally-funded research project (C1) of the KU Leuven Research Group VICT (Vertaling en Interculturele Transfer; Translation and Intercultural Transfer).


What's in a name?

The logo of the project reflects the hybridity and ambiguity of the Latino/as who produce, direct, and/or star in the documentaries of our corpus. The universally-known EXIT stick figure has been adapted into a border-crossing, camera-wielding migrant whose lens points both forwards and backwards. A sign of confusion to some, but of liminality and timelessness to others. In the same vein, the name of the project echoes the Spanglish interlanguage spoken in the US by the Latino community: it is a portmanteau word consisting of the Spanish [éxodo] and the informal English [docs], short for documentaries. To further accentuate the in-betweenness of the corpus, dart-like symbols feature on both sides of the coinage, in reference to the arrows often found on EXIT signs.

Who's Who?

The project ÉXODOCS is supervised by prof. dr. Inge Lanslots (supervisor) and prof. dr. An Van Hecke (co-supervisor). The doctoral researcher assigned to the project is Alexandra Sanchez

Research Topics

  • What are éxodocs? Should the project restrict itself to documentaries on geographical borders? Or can the border be interpreted in a broader, more metaphorical sense?
  • How is "the border" defined in the documentaries of our corpus? Is only the narrative to be considered here? Or should border-crossing elements of the pre-production, production and post-production be involved as well?
  • Who are the documentary makers? Can their storytelling be seen as border-crossing? Are they border-crossers, sensu lato and/or sensu stricto? 

More Information

For more information, please visit éxodocs.com.